A permanent exchange with our customers, sellers or acquirers, landlords and tenants.
The team also provides advice and assistance in the realization of regulatory diagnostics, rental guarantees, and more generally knowledge of the legal and legislative framework of any real estate transaction.
Whether you are a family, a young couple, single, student or investor ... Our team puts at your disposal all its professionalism for the success of your real estate project. Adept of the "mandate trust" more than the exclusive mandate, it gives meaning to its commitment through this set of values shared by all collaborators, to make real estate ... otherwise! In order to provide you with the best guarantees for the security of your financial transactions, our agency adheres to the National Federation of Real Estate (FNAIM) and its Code of Ethics and Ethics.
Our agencies are covered by a professional civil liability with GALIAN, for an amount of 180 000 euros.
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International Agency
We are providing personal advise in English, Dutch, German, Flamand, Italian, Spanish and Chinese